Postparty is the official Epic Games tool for creating, editing, and sharing your best Fortnite or Rocket League games. With this application, you can automatically record highlights when playing with friends, followers, or solo, then share them on social networks or replay them whenever you want.
The first thing you'll need to do after you download the app is connect your Epic Games account to Postparty. Once inside, your Fortnite or Rocket League account will be automatically linked. The great advantage offered by this tool is that you can play on Android as well as on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, or PC. Postparty automatically creates a video every time you eliminate someone or every time you score a goal, so you don't have to worry about anything besides enjoying the games. On the other hand, beyond the automatically-created clips, you'll also have the option to start recording at any time by pressing the corresponding keys. These keys can be changed from the settings menu.
Once you've finished the game, all your highlights will be stored in the library, where you can edit, view, share, or delete them. The edit feature lets you trim the recorded videos to create shorter clips or keep only the moments you need. This option is perfect for creating epic moments to share on your social networks. All the videos saved to your library will remain there until you delete them; they'll also be marked with a blue dot if you haven't yet viewed them.
Another great perk offered by Postparty is that you'll get exclusive Fortnite and Rocket League rewards the first time you use the app. The items will be automatically added to the game the next time you log in.
Download Postparty, install the APK, and create clips of your best Fortnite or Rocket League games to impress your friends with the most epic videos.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is Postparty free?
Yes, Postparty is completely free. The app doesn't even offer in-app purchases or subscriptions, so you don't have to pay a cent in order to use it on your Android device.
Is Postparty safe?
Yes, Postparty is 100% safe. VirusTotal's analysis of its APK shows zero positives, so there's no need to worry. The list of permissions it asks for is also above board.
Do I need to have an EPIC account to use Postparty?
Yes, you'll need to have an EPIC account in order to use Postparty. That's because, in order to log into the app, you'll first have to link your EPIC account. Keep in mind that having an EPIC account is free.
How much space does the Postparty APK take up?
The Postparty APK takes up around 100 MB, but the app can take up much, much more space on your device's memory. That's because the app stores all the video clips of your best plays.
I can't create clips of Rocket League on the Switch
Good application